Monday 9 April 2012

Invites: Beautiful detail

Stationary is a really important element for me, especially the invites - not only do they set the theme, establish the level of formality and make sure everyone has all the relevant informatin, but they also offer the first (well, second after the save the date) chance for me to put my creative stamp on the day and pour my passion into the detail.

The original plan for Save the Dates was that where possible we would sent an email with a jpg attachment, people would benefit from all the design, we would save on printing and postage and our guests would always know where it was - in their inbox! We would print and send a few hard copies to people, in particular our grandparents and siblings etc, people who we knew either didn't have email or who would like to keep a copy.
However this plan was thrown out the window, and it was heavily suggested that we 'should' print & post them to at least one family & if we had to do it for some then I was going to do it for all.

After a brief think, I decided that this would not mean a change of plan - the save-the-dates would remain computer designed with no hand crafting other than cutting up the paper. Which left me with a bit of a problem: How do I produce save-the-date cards exclusively technologically, but still provide continuity with the handmade invitations to follow?

So we came to the first decissions on details for our day: If we chose a couple of fonts that were not standard issue, and purchased beautiful paper and had one colour accenting all elements, then the stationary will coordinate beautifully, especially as all the invite content would have to be produced on the computer - as much as I love doing things by hand, I do not have the time nor the calligraphy skills to hand write 70(ish) invites.

The colour used to accent the designs
So after some fussing and moaning - BH doesn't like fake handwriting fonts, where as I do and felt they would work as we are having the reception in a medieval building.
There was some workings about what colour to use with what will be a very neutral pallet on the day.
And then then was the conversations about what paper; fortunately I had done a table plan for his work and had used some laid paper which he liked the texture of, I also bit the bullet and using the samples from pda cards I ordered some card and examples of the type of invite I would like to make.
We had come to some agreements. We went for white laid paper (some irridecent will also be used in other stationary) a font which looks a little bit like calligraphy and a lovely simpler font - both downloaded especially, and a shade of purple.

The two fonts we will be using for our staioary

I also wanted some sort of picture on the save the date - one design featured a Scottish thistle and for another I took a photo of the church and played with it in Picasa until it created a lovely scetch effect. When I consulted with BH he really didn't like the thistle.

So here we are, the Save the Dates have been put in the post to family and friends who have a role on the day. The decissions are set in stone (well card) and it is official the wedding is happening.

Original photo of church

Final 'sketch'

TTNF ~ Kate xxx

1 comment:

  1. Decisions, finally! It must feel good to get going on something solid. Can't wait to see what's coming next x
